Irodalom: *fontos, érdekes közlemény 1. EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of chronic hepatitis. B. J Hepatol. 2009, 50:227-242. 2. Lok A, McMahon BJ.: Chronic hepatitis…
Irodalom: 1. Lin Han-Chiehm Yang YY. Hou M-C: Acute adminstration of carvedilol is more effective than propranolol plus isosorbite-5-mononitrate int he reduction of portal…
Irodalom 1. Andreone P, Cursaro C, Gramenzini A, et al.: Interferon alpha plus ketoprofen or interferon alpha plus ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C non-responder…
Irodalom 1. Kawamoto C. és mtsai.: Prognosis of small hepatocellular carcinoma after laparoscopic ethanol injection Gastrointest. Endosc. 50:214-20 2. Llach J. és mtsai.: Prospective…
IRODALOM 1. Blake SP., Weisinger K. et al.: Liver metastases from melanoma: detection with multiphasic contrast-enhanced CT. Radiology 1999;213:92-96 2. Bonkovsky HL., Rubin RB.…
Irodalom 1. Kawamoto C. és mtsai.: Prognosis of small hepatocellular carcinoma after laparoscopic ethanol injection Gastrointest. Endosc. 50:214-20 2. Llach J. és mtsai.: Prospective…
IRODALOM: Fisher AJ, Paulson EK, Kliewer MA et al. Doppler sonography of the portal vein and hepatic artery: measurement of a prandial effect in healthy…