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Irodalom: 1. Bergström M., Swain CP., Park PO.: Measurement of intraperitoneal pressure and the developement of a feedback control valve for regulating pressure during…
Irodalom 1. Adler DG., Knipschield M., Gostout C.:A prospective comparison of capsule endoscopy and push enteroscopy in patients with GI bleeding of obscure origin…
Irodalom 1. Abe N., Sugiyama M., Masaki T.: Predictive factors for lymph node metastasis of differentiated submucosally invasive gastric cancer Gastrointest. Endosc 2004;60:242- 5…
Irodalom 1. Akashi R., Kiyozumi T., Jonnouchi K., és mtsai.: Pancreatic sphincter precutting to gain selective access to the common bile duct: a series…
Irodalom: 1. Lin Han-Chiehm Yang YY. Hou M-C: Acute adminstration of carvedilol is more effective than propranolol plus isosorbite-5-mononitrate int he reduction of portal…