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1. ter Borg MJ et al: Patterns of viral decline during PEG-Interferon alpha-2b therapy in HBeAg-positive
chronic hepatitis B: relation to treatment response. Hepatology 2006, 44:721-727.
2. Laras A et al: Intrahepatic levels and replicative activity of covalently closed circular hepatitis B virus
DNA in chronically infected patients. Hepatology 2006, 44:694-702.
3. Wursthorn K et al: Peginterferon alpha-2b plus adefovir induce strong cccDNA decline and HBsAg
reduction in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hepatology 2006, 44:675-684.
4. Chang TT et al: A comparison of entecavir and lamivudine for HBeAg.positive chronic hepatitis B. N
Eng J Med. 2006, 354:1001-1010.
5. Lai CL et al: Entecavir versus lamivudine for patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B. N Eng
J Med. 2006, 354:1011-1020.
6. Hoofnagle JH: Hepatitis B-Preventable and now treatable. Editorial. N Eng J Med. 2006, 354:1074-1076.
7. Sherman M et al: Entecavir treatment of lamivudine-refractory, HBeAg-poositive chronic hepatitis B.
Gastroenterology 2006, 130:2039-2049.
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8. Colonno RJ et al: Entecavir resistance is rare in nucleoside naive patients with hepatitis B. Hepatology
2006, 44:1656-1665.
9. Zoulim F. Editorial: Hepatitis B virus resistance to entecavir in nucleoside naiv patients: does it exist?
Hepatology 2006, 44:1404-1407.
10. Hadziyannis SJ et al: Long-term therapy with adefovir dipivoxilfor HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis
B for up to 5 years. Gastroenterology 2006, 131:1743-1751.
11. van Bömmel F et al: Tenofovir for patients with lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection
and high HBV DNA level during adefovir therapy. Hepatology 2006, 44:318-325.
12. Wong SN, Lok ASF. Editorial: Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate: Role in hepatitis B treatment. Hepatology
2006, 44:309-313.
13. Niro GA et al: Pegylated inteferon alpha-2b as monotherapy or combination with ribavirin in chronic
hepatitis delta. Hepatology 2006, 44:713-720.
14. Castelnau C et al: Efficacy of peginterferon alpha-2b in chronic hepatitis delta: relevance of quantitative
RT-PCR for follow up. Hepatology 2006, 44:728-735.
15. Farci P. Editorial: Treatment of chronic hepatitis D: new advances, old challenges. Hepatology 2006,
16. Wiegand J et al: Early monotherapy with pegylated interferon alpha-2b for acute hepatitis C infection:
the HEP-NET acute.HCV-II study. Hepatology 2006, 43:250-256.
17. Craxi A, Licata A. Editorial: Acute hepatitis C: in search of the optimal approach to cure. Hepatology
2006, 43:221-224.
18. Kamal et al.: Peginterferon alfa-2b therapy in acute hepatitis C: impact of onset of therapy on sustained
virologic response. Gastroenterology 2006, 130:632-638.
19. Kamal et al: Duration of peginterferon therapy in acute hepatitis C: a randmized trial. Hepatology 2006,
20. Zeuzem et al: Efficacy of 24 weeks treatment with peginterferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin in patients with
chronic hepatitis C infected with genotype 1 and low pretreatment viremia. J Hepatol. 2006, 44:97-103.
21. Craxi A, Cammà C. Editorial: Treating patients with HCV genotype 1 and low viraemia: More than
meets the eye. J Hepatol. 2006.44:4-7.
22. Jensen DM et al: Early identification of HCV genotype 1 patients responding to 24 weeks peginterferon
á-2a (40 kd)/ribavirin therapy. Hepatology 2006, 43:954-960.
23. Davis GL. Editorial: Tailoring antiviral therapy in hepatitis C. Hepatology 2006, 43:909-911.
24. Berg T et al: Extended treatment duration for hepatitis C virus type 1: comparing 48 versus 72 weeks
of peginterferon-alfa-2a plus ribavirin. Gastroenterology 2006, 130:1086-1097.
25. Sánchez-Tapias JM et al: Peginterferon-alfa2a plus ribavirin for 48 versus 72 weeks in patients with
detectable hepatitis C virus RNA at week 4 of treatment. Gastroenterology 2006, 131:451-460.
26. Taliani G et al: Pegylated interferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin in the retreatment of interferon-ribavirin non
responder patients. Gastroenterology 2006, 130:1098-1106.
27. Fontana RJ. Editorial: Optimizing outcomes in hepatitis C: is treatment beyond 48 weeks ever justified?
Gatsroenterology 2006, 130:1357-1362.
28. Del Rio et al: Cost-effectiveness of hematologic growth factors for anaemia occurring during hepatitis
C combination therapy. Hepatology 2006 44:1598-1606.
29. Muir AJ, McHutchison JG. Editorial: Growth factors during HCV therapy may be “cost-effective”, but
are they “effective”? Hepatology 2006, 44:1400-1403.
30. Leandro G: Relation between steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C: a meta-analysis
of individual patient data. Gastroenterology 2006, 130:1636-1642.
31. Charlton MR et al: Impact of obesity on treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Hepatology 2006, 43:1177-1186.
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32. Huang H et al: Identification of two gene variants associated with risk of advanced fibrosis in patients
with chronic hepatitis C. Gastroenterology 2006, 130:1679-1687.
33. Nieters A et al: Hepatitis C and risk of lymphoma: results of the European multicenter case-control
study EPILYMPH. Gastroenterology 2006, 131:1879-1886.
34. Davern et al: Measurement of serum acetaminophen-protein adducts in patients with acute liver failure.
Gastroenterology 2006, 130:687-694.
35. Blendis L: Unintentional acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure in the United States: time for action?
Gastroenterology 2006, 131:963-964.
36. Patel RK et al: Prevalence of the activating JAK2 tyrosine kinase mutation V617F in the Budd-Chiari
syndrome. Gastroenterology 2006, 130:2031-2038.
37. Primignani M et al: Role of the JAK2 mutation int he diagnosis of chronic myeloproliferative disorders
in splanchnic vein thrombosis. Hepatology 2006, 44:1528-1534.
38. Janssen HLA, Leebeek FWG. Editorial: JAK2 mutation: the best diagnostic tool for myeloproliferative
disease in splanchnic vein thrombosis. Hepatology 2006, 44:1391-1393.
39. Plessier A et al: Aiming at minimal invasiveness as a therapeutic strategy for Budd-Chiari synndrome.
Hepatology 2006, 44:1308-1316.
40. Sanyal AJ et al: Similarities and differences in outcomes of cirrhosis due to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
and hepatitis C. Hepatology 2006, 43:682-689.
41. Ekstedt M et al: Long-term follow-up of patients with NAFLD and elevated liver enzymes. Hepatology
2006, 44:865-873.
42. Ioannou GN et al: Elevated serum alanine aminotransferase activity and calculated risk of coronary
heart disease in the United States. Hepatology 2006, 43:1145-1151.
43. Ratziu V, Poynard T. Editorial: Assessing the outcome of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis? It’s time to get
serious. Hepatology 2006, 44:802-805.
44. Tilg H, Hotamisligil GS: Nonalcoholic fatty liver diasease: cytokine-adipokine interplay and regulation
of insulin resistance. Gastroenterology 2006, 131:934-945.
45. Larter CZ, Farrell GC: Insulin resistance, adiponectin, cytokines in NASH: which is the best target to treat?
J Hepatol. 2006, 44:253-261.
46. Belfort R et al: A placebo-controlled trial of pioglitazone in subjects with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
N Eng J Med 2006, 355:2297-2307.
47. McCullough AJ. Editorial: Thiazolidinediones for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis — Promising but not
ready for prime time. N Eng J Med 2006, 355:2361-2363.
48. Valenti L et al: á1-antitrypsin mutations in NAFLD: High prevalence and association with altered iron
metabolism but not with liver damage. Hepatology 2006, 44:857-864.
49. Reverter JC: Abnormal hemostasis tests and bleeding in chronic liver disease: are they related? Yes. J
Thromb Haemost. 2006, 4:717-720.
50. Mannucci PM: Abnormal hemostasis tests and bleeding in chronic liver disease: are they related? No.
J Thromb Haemost. 2006, 4:721-723.
51. Tripodi A et al: Thrombin generation in patients with cirrhosis: the role of platelets. Hepatology 2006,
52. Lisman T et al: Elevated levels of von Willebrand factor in cirrhosis support platelet adhesion despite
reduced functional capacity. Hepatology 2006, 44:53-61.
53. Caldwell SH et al: Coagulation disorders and hemostasis in liver disease: pathophysiology and critical
assessment of current management. Hepatology 2006, 44:1039-1046.
54. Villanueva C et al: A randomized controlled trial comparing ligation and sclerotherapy as emergency
endoscopic treatment added to somatostatin in acute variceal bleeding. J Hepatol. 2006, 45:560-567.
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55. Henderson JM et al: Distal splenorenal shunt versus transjugular intrahepatic portal systematic shunt
for variceal bleeding: a randomized trial. Gastroenterology 2006, 130:1643-1651.
56. D’Amico G et al: Hepatic vein pressure gradient reduction and prevention of variceal bleeding in cirrhosis:
a systematic review. Gastroenterology 2006, 131:1611-1624.