Szemelvények a Helicobacter pylori és a gyomor gasztroenterológiájának irodalmából – Dr. Rácz István
Irodalom 1) Thoring,M., Hedenström,H., Eriksson,L.S.: Rapid effect of lansoprazole on intragastric pH: a crossover comparison with omeprazole. Scand.J.Gastroenterol. 1999,34,341-45 2) Harder,H., Teyssen,S., Stephan,F. et…
IRODALOM: 1. Annibale,B., D'Ambra,G., Marignani,M. et al.: Acid secretion was not reduced by H. pylori (Hp) eradication in hypersecretory duodenal ulcer (HDU) and antral G…
Irodalom: 1. Brandi, G., Biavati, B., Calabrese, C.: Urease-positive bacteria other than Helicobacter pylori in human gastric juice and mucosa. Am Journal of Gastroenterology…
Irodalom: 1. Delgado-Aros, S., Camilleri, M., Cremonini, F., et al.: Contributions of gastric volumes and gastric emptying to meal size and postmeal symptoms in…
Irodalom: 1. Sung, J.: Endoscopy is necessary before treating Helicobacter pylori in patients with dyspepsia. Am J Gastroenterol 2007, 102: 473-474 2. Zagari, M.R.,…
Irodalom: 1. Yin, J., Chen, J.: Implantable gastric electrical stimulation: ready for prime time? Gastroenterology 2008; 134: 665-667. 2. Vakil, N., Laine, L., Talley, N.J.…