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1. Giovannini M, Hookey LC, Bories E, Pesenti C, Monges G, Delpero JR: Endoscopic Ultrasound Elastography:
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2. Odegaard S, Nesje LB, Hoff DA, Gilja OH, Gregersen H: Morphology and motor function of the
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3. Jacobson BC, Chak A, Hoffman B, Baron TH, Cohen J, Deal SE et al.: Quality indicators for endoscopic
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4. Matthes K, Bounds BC, Collier K, Gutierrez A, Brugge WR: EUS staging of upper GI malignancies:
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5. Bruno MJ: Endoscopic ultrasonography. Endoscopy 2006;1098-106.
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6. Andrade de Paulo G, Ardengh JC, Nakao FS, Ferrari AP: Treatment of esophageal varices: a randomized
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7. Shami VM, Villaverde A, Stearns L, Chi KD, Kinney TP, Rogers GB et al.: Clinical Impact of
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8. Gopal DV, Chang EY, Kim CY, Sandone C, Pfau PR, Frick TJ et al.: EUS characteristics of Nissen
fundoplication: normal appearance and mechanisms of failure. Gastrointest Endosc 2006;63:35-44.
9. Pech O, May A, Gunter E, Gossner L, Ell C: The Impact of Endoscopic Ultrasound and Computed
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10. Esaki M, Matsumoto T, Moriyama T, Hizawa K, Ohji Y, Nakamura S et al.: Probe EUS for the diagnosis
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11. Vazquez-Sequeiros E, Levy MJ, Clain JE, Schwartz DA, Harewood GC, Salomao D et al.: Routine vs.
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12. Inoue H, Mizuno N, Sawaki A, Takahashi K, Aoki M, Bhatia V et al.: Life-threatening delayed-onset
bleeding after endoscopic ultrasound-guided 19-gauge Trucut needle biopsy of a gastric stromal tumor.
Endoscopy 2006;38 Suppl 5:38.