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1. Aabakken L, Bretthauer M, Line PD: Double-balloon enteroscopy for endoscopic retrograd cholangiography
in patients with a Roux-en-Y anastomosis, Endoscopy, 2007, 39 (12):1068-1071
2. Bellutti M, Mönkemüller K, Fry LC, Dombrowski F, Malfertheiner P: Characterization of yellow plaques
found in the small bowel during double-balloon enteroscopy, Endoscopy, 2007, 39(12): 1059-1063
3. Beppu K, Osada T, Nagahara A és mtsai: Malignant lymphoma in the ileum diagnosed by double-balloon
enteroscopy, World J Gastroenterol, 2007, 13 (24): 3388-3391
4. Byeon JS: Double balloon endoscopy in obscure GI bleeding, Gastrointest Endoscopy, 2007, 66(3): S69-71
5. Chang DK, Kim JJ, Choi H és mtsai: Double balloon endoscopy in small intestinal Crohn’s disease and
other inflammatory diseases such as cryptogenic multifocal ulcerous stenosing enteritis (CMUSE),
Gastointest Endosc, 2007, 66 (3): S96-S98
6. Cazzato IA, Cammarota G, Nista EC és mtsai: Diagnostic and therapeutic impact of double-balloon
enteroscopy (DBE) in a series of 100 patients with suspected small bowel diseases, Dig Liv Dis, 2007,
39 (5): 483-487.
7. Chen X, Ran ZH, Tong JL: A meta-analysis of the yield of capsule endoscopy compared to double-balloon
enteroscopy in patients with small bowel diseases, World J Gastroenterol, 2007, 13 (32): 4372-4378
8. Cheng DW, Han NJ, Mehdizadeh S, Lo SK: Intraperitoneal bleeding after oral doubble-balloon enteroscopy:
a case report and review of the literature, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66(3): 627-629
9. Choi H, Choi, KY, Eun, CS és mtsai: Korean experience with double balloon endoscopy: Korean association
for the Study of Intestinal Diseases multi-center study, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66 (3): S22-25
10. Das A: Future perspective of double balloon endoscopy: newer indications, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007,
66(3): S51-53
11. Domagk D, Bretthauser M, Lenz P: Carbon dioxide insufflation improves intubation depth in doubleballoon
enteroscopy: a randomized, controlled, double-blind trial, Endoscopy, 2007, 39 (12): 1064-1067
12. Eisen GM, Schreiner M: Small bowel endoscopy, Endoscopy, 2007, 39(2): 113-117
13. Emmett DS, Mallat DB: Double-balloon ERCP in patients who have undergone Roux-Y surgery: a case
series, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66(5): 1038-104
14. Fujimori S, Seo T, Gudis K és mtsai: Diagnosis and treatment of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding using
combined capsule endoscopy and double balloon endoscopy: 1-year follow-up study, Endoscopy, 2007,
39 (12): 1053-1058
15. Fukumoto A, Tanaka S, Yamamoto H és mtsai: Diagnosis and treatment of small-bowel stricture by doubleballoon
endoscopy, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66(3): S108-112
16. Gay G, Delvaux M: Double balloon enteroscopy in Crohn’s disease and related disorders: our experience,
Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66(3): S82-90
17. Gay G, Delvaux M: Double-balloon endoscopy after failed conventional colonoscopy: a pilot series
with a new instrument, Endoscopy, 2007, 39 (9): 788-792
18. Haber GB: Double balloon endoscopy for pancreatic and biliary access in altered anatomy, Gastrointest
Endosc, 2007, 66(3): S47-50
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19. Hadithi M, Al-toma A, Oudejans J és mtsai: The value of double-balloon enteroscopy in patients with
refractory celiac disease, Am J Gastroenterology, 2007, 102:987-996
20. Hirai,F., Matsui,T., Yao, K és mtsai: Efficacy of carbon dioxide insufflation in endoscopic balloon dilation
therapy by using double balloon endoscopy, Gastrointest Endoscopy, 2007, 66(3): S26-29
21. Iwamoto M, Hayashi Y, Yamamoto H: Double-balloon endoscopy for jejunal hemangioma, Gastrointest
Endosc, 2007, 66(1): 184-185
22. Jacobs MA, Mulder CJ: Double balloon endoscopy in GI hemorrhage, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66
(3): S60-62
23. ten Kate GL, Kleibeuker JH, Nagengast FM és mtsai: Is surveillance of the small bowel indicated for
Lynch syndrome families? Gut, 2007, 56:1198-1201
24. Keuchel M: Double balloon (push and pull) enteroscopy: breakthrought in the management of small
intestinal strictures in Crohn’s disease? Eur J Gastroenterol, 2007, 19 (7): 523-525
25. Kita H, Yamamoto H: New indications of double balloon endoscopy, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66(3):
26. Kudo S: New frontiers of endoscopy from the large intestine to small intestine, Gastrointest Endosc,
2007, 66 (3): S3-S6
27. Lewis BS: Obscure GI bleeding in the world of capsule endoscopy, push and double balloon enteroscopies,
Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66(3): S66-68
28. Lo SK: Small bowel endoscopy: Have we conquered the final frontier? Am J Gastroenterol, 2007,
29. Lo SK: Technical matters in double balloon enteroscopy, Gastrointest Endoscopy, 2007, 66 (3): S15-S18
30. Matsumoto T, Iida M, Matsui T, Yao T: Chronic nonspecific multiple ulcers of the small intestine: a proposal
of the entity from Japanese gastroenterologists to Western enteroscopists, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007,
66 (3): S99-107
31. Matsushita M, Shimatani M, Uchida K, Okazaki K: Safe endoscopic polypectomy of jejunal polyps
with a detachable snare during double balloon enteroscopy, Gut, 2007, 56:1324-1325
32. Matsushita M, Shimatani M, Uchida K, Okazaki K: Mechanism of acute pancreatitis after peroral doubleballoon
enteroscopy, Endoscopy, 2007, 39 (5): 480-481.
33. Maiss J, Diebel H, Naegel A és mtsai: A novel model for training in ERCP with double-balloon
enteroscopy after abdominal surgery, Endoscopy, 2007, 39:1072-1075
34. May A, Nachbar L, Pohl J, Ell C: Endoscopic interventions in the small bowel using double balloon
enteroscopy: feasibility and limitations, Am J Gastroenterol, 2007, 102 (3): 527-535
35. May A: Current status of double balloon enteroscopy with focus on the Wiesbaden results, Gastrointest
Endosc, 2007, 66 (3): S12-S14
36. Mehdizadeh S, Han NJ, Cheng DW és mtsai: Success rate of retrograde double-balloon enteroscopy,
Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 65 (4): 633-639
37. Mensink PBF, Haringsma J, Kucharzik T, Cellier C, Pérez-Cuadrado E, Mönkemüller K, Gasbarrini A,
Kaffes AJ, Nakamura K, Yamamoto H: Complications of double balloon enteroscopy: a multicenter
study, Endoscopy, 2007, 39 (7):613-615
38. Mönkemüller K, Fry LC, Malferteiner P: Double balloon enteroscopy: beyond feasibility, what do we do
now? Endoscopy, 2007, 39(3): 229-231
39. Mönkemüller K, Bellutti M, Malferteiner P: Small-bowel endoscopy, Endoscopy, 2007, 39 (11): 978-985
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40. Mönkemüller K, Fry LC, Ebert M és mtsai: Feasibility of double-balloon enteroscopy-assisted chromoendoscopy
of the small bowel in patients with familial adenomatosus polyposis, Endoscopy, 2007, 39
(1): 52-57
41. Nakamura M, Niwa Y, Ohmiya N és mtsai: Small bowel tuberculosis diagnosed by the combination of
video capsule endoscopy and double balloon enteroscopy, Eur J Gastroenterology, 2007, 19(7):595-598
42. Nakase H, Matsuura M, Mikami S és mtsa: Diagnosis and treatment of obscure GI bleeding with double
balloon endoscopy, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66(3): S78-81
43. Ohmiya N, Yano T, Yamamoto H és mtsai: Diagnosis and treatment of obscure GI bleeding at double
balloon endoscopy, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66(3): S72-77
44. Pasha SF, Harrison ME, Das A és mtsai: Utility of double-ballon colonoscopy for completion of colon
examination after incomplete colonoscopy with conventional colonoscope, Gastrointest Endoscopy,
2007, 65 (6): 848-853
45. Pata C, Akyüz U: New modification of doubble-balloon endoscopy to reduce complications, Am J
Gastroenterology, 2007, 102 (12): 2860-2861
46. Pennazio M: Crohn’s disease: diagnostic and therapeutic potential of modern small-bowel endoscopy,
Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66 (3): S91-S93
47. Pérez-Cuadrado E, Latorre R, Carballo F és mtsai: Training and new indications for double balloon
endoscopy, Gastrointest Endoscopy, 2007, 66 (3): S39-46
48. Ross AS, Dye C: Double-balloon enteroscopy to facilitate retrograde PEG placement as access for
therapeutic ERCP in patients with long-limb gastric bypass, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66 (2): 419
49. Safatle-Ribero AV, Kuga R, Ishida R és mtsai: Is double-balloon enteroscopy an accurate method to
diagnose small-bowel disorders? Surg Endosc, 2007, 21 (12): 2231-2236
50. Semrad CE: Role of double balloon enteroscopy in Crohn’s disease, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66 (3):S94-S95
51. Span TW, Grosse-Thie W, Spies P, Mueller MK: Treatment of choledocholithiasis following Roux-en-Y
hepaticojejunostomy using double-balloon endoscopy, Digestion, 2007, 75: 20-21
52. Sugano K, Marcon N: The first International Workshop on Double Balloon Endoscopy: a consensus
meeting report, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66 (3): S7-S11
53. Sunada K, Yamamoto H, Hayashi Y: Clinical importance of the location of lesions with regard to mesenteric
or antimesenteric side of the small intestine, Gastrointest Endoscopy, 2007, 66(3): S34-38
54. Sun B, Shen R, Cheng S és mtsai: The role of double-balloon enteroscopy in diagnosis and management
of incomplete small-bowel obstruction, Endoscopy, 2007, 39 (6):511-515
55. Suzuki T, Matsushima M, Okita I és mtsai: Clinical utility of double-balloon enteroscopy for small
intestinal bleeding, Dig Dis Sci, 2007, 52 (8): 1914-1918
56. Tanaka S, Mitsui K, Tatsuguchi A és mtsai: Current status of double balloon endoscopy – indications,
insertion route, sedation, complications, technical matters, Gastrointest Endoscopy, 2007, 66 (3): S30-33
57. Tsurumaru D, Utsunomiya T, Kayashima K: Heterotopic pancreas of the jejunum diagnosed by doubleballoon
enteroscopy, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66 (5): 1026-1027
58. Yamamoto H: Foreword: double balloon endoscopy, Gastrointest Endosc, 2007, 66 (3): S2
59. Yen HH, Chen YY, Soon MS: Double balloon enteroscopy reveals the diagnosis in chronic gastrointestinal
bleeding, Gut, 2007, 56 (2): 167,278
60. Vilmann P, Jensen T, Hendel J: Double balloon endoscopy in obscure GI bleeding: the Danish experience,
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61. Zhi P, Yue, H, Jiang B: Diagnostic value of double balloon enteroscopy for small-intestinal disease:
experience from China, Gastrointest Endoscopy, 2007, 66 (3): S19-21
62. Zhong J, Ma T, Zhang C és mtsai: A retrospective study of the application on double-balloon enteroscopy
in 378 patients with suspected small-bowel diseases, Endoscopy, 2007, 39 (3):208-215